We offer a wide range of psychological services and treatments for behavioral, emotional, personality, and psychiatric disorders. We also provide testing and assessments regarding cognitive/neuropsychological, intellectual, academic, social, personality, and/or emotional functioning.
- Therapy
- Psychological Assessment
- Forensic Evaluation & Expert Consultation
- Workshops and Public Speaking Engagements
- Private Practice Consulting

Psychotherapy is the treatment of behavioral, emotional, personality, and psychiatric disorders based on verbal and non-verbal communication and the application of empirically supported treatment (i.e., interventions grounded in research showing that it works). There are many psychotherapeutic approaches; we have been trained in a broad range. Some examples of evidence-based strategies that we use in our work are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Schema Therapy (ST), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT).
Here are common problems people come to see us for:
- Sadness/Depression/Mood Disorders
- Anxiety and Specific Phobias (fears)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Panic (anxiety) Attacks
- Complex Trauma Histories and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Interpersonal (Social Relationships) Problems
- Behavior Problems

Psychological Assessment
Some of the common issues people request a psychological evaluation from us for include:
- Intellectual Giftedness
- Learning and Academic Problems
- Developmental Disabilities (e.g., Autism, Intellectual Disability, etc.)
- Personality Functioning
- Diagnostic Clarification
- Functional abilities related to work duties (i.e., pre-employment, fitness for duty)
Psychological assessment can also be a valuable tool in treatment planning and therapy. In this regard, we sometimes use therapeutic assessment in our work with therapy clients.
What to expect: Psychological assessment will involve you in many “activities” over several hours. These activities include participating in a clinical interview and completing standardized testing and questionnaires. Our process also involves, when appropriate, observation of behavior and, at times, a review of previous treatment and assessment records. At the end of the process, unless the evaluation is sub-contactor through your employer, as is the case with pre-employment and fitness for duty evaluations, we will review the results with you and provide you with a written report that includes our recommendations and, when necessary, referrals for additional services.

Forensic Evaluation & Expert Consultation
Forensic psychology is the application of psychological knowledge within legal contexts. Our training permits us to conduct various adult and juvenile criminal court-ordered, prosecution, or defense attorney-sought evaluations, provide psych-legal consultation services, and act as expert witnesses. We also conduct various civil-law-related psychological evaluations (e.g., personal injury and guardianship). Here are the different types of assessments that we conduct:
Adult Forensic Evaluations
- Competency to stand trial or participate in hearings
- Competency to represent oneself in a criminal matter (competency to proceed pro se)
- Mental status at the time of the offense (Sanity)/Criminal Responsibility
- Sentencing mitigation
- Sexual offender risk/Future dangerousness
- Sexually violent predator
- General psychological evaluation with treatment recommendations
Juvenile Forensic Evaluations
- Fitness to proceed
- Responsibility for conduct
- Certification/waiver to adult court
- Risk/Dangerousness
- General diagnostic and treatment needs
Law Enforcement, Public Safety, and Health Professionals
- L3 Determinations of Psychological Health
- Fitness for Duty and Return to Work
- Trauma-related personal injury
Workshops and Public Speaking Engagments
Conducting Competent Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations
Evaluating Sanity: Psycho-legal Evaluations of Mental State at the Time of Offense
Mental Health in the Courtroom
Private Practice Consulting
Dr. Rockett provides private practice consulting to early career psychologists and psychologists looking to re-create their careers. A variety of packages are available to fit your individual needs. Please send an email to for more information.